VAlorisation des DOnnées pour la Recherche d’Emploi
Bruno Crépon, Victor Naya, Guillaume, Bied, Philippe Caillou, Christophe Gaillac, Élia Pérennès, Michèle Sebag
Pôle emploi and GENES have formed a long-term partnership to design and test new labor market interventions. One of the goals of this collaboration is to leverage the wealth of available data and combine it with data science methods to design and rigorously test innovative labor market interventions through Randomized Controlled Trials.
As part of this partnership, CREST, LISN (linked to INRIA Saclay) and Pôle emploi have been engaged since 2018 in the VADORE project, which aims at developing and testing algorithms for recommending job ads to job seekers and job seekers to recruiters.
The project is already well advanced. Several major and essential steps have been accomplished. On the legal side, access to the data has been granted and the documents related to the GDPR have been finalized. On the IT side, considerable work has been done on the raw data in order to identify, extract and preprocess relevant data for our algorithms. The design of our recommender system is also well advanced; it is even already in the field on the jobseeker side. On the side of logistics, our algorithm has been successfully ported from CREST’s servers to Pôle emploi's internal servers, which greatly facilitates its implementation on the field. A large scale beta test of the job recommender system dedicated to job seekers is ongoing since March 1, 2022.
Membres du projet :
- Bruno Crépon, CREST-ENSAE
- Victor Naya, LISN
- Guillaume BIED, CREST-LISN
- Philippe Caillou, LISN
- Christophe Gaillac, Oxford
- Élia Pérennès, CREST-ENSAE
- Michèle Sebag, LISN
État du projet : en cours
Ce projet est financé par la chaire Sécurisation des Parcours Professionnels.
Pôle emploi and GENES have formed a long-term partnership to design and test new labor market interventions. One of the goals of this collaboration is to leverage the wealth of available data and combine it with data science methods to design and rigorously test innovative labor market interventions through Randomized Controlled Trials.
As part of this partnership, CREST, LISN (linked to INRIA Saclay) and Pôle emploi have been engaged since 2018 in the VADORE project, which aims at developing and testing algorithms for recommending job ads to job seekers and job seekers to recruiters.
The project is already well advanced. Several major and essential steps have been accomplished. On the legal side, access to the data has been granted and the documents related to the GDPR have been finalized. On the IT side, considerable work has been done on the raw data in order to identify, extract and preprocess relevant data for our algorithms. The design of our recommender system is also well advanced; it is even already in the field on the jobseeker side. On the side of logistics, our algorithm has been successfully ported from CREST’s servers to Pôle emploi's internal servers, which greatly facilitates its implementation on the field. A large scale beta test of the job recommender system dedicated to job seekers is ongoing since March 1, 2022.
Membres du projet :
- Bruno Crépon, CREST-ENSAE
- Victor Naya, LISN
- Guillaume BIED, CREST-LISN
- Philippe Caillou, LISN
- Christophe Gaillac, Oxford
- Élia Pérennès, CREST-ENSAE
- Michèle Sebag, LISN
État du projet : en cours
Ce projet est financé par la chaire Sécurisation des Parcours Professionnels.